Kommo’s Guide to WhatsApp CRM

July 19, 2023

17 min.

📱WhatsApp, with its massive user base, has become one of the top choices for businesses to communicate with their customers. However, managing customer interactions on WhatsApp can be challenging without the right tools.

If you are looking for a reliable CRM with WhatsApp integration or want to get the most out of your WhatsApp integration in Kommo, you’ve come to the right place. 💬

In this blog post, we’ll introduce you to WhatsApp CRM and everything you need to know about WhatsApp integration. We'll also show you how messenger-based CRM like Kommo can help your business streamline communication, boost sales, and enhance customer experience. 🚀

What is a WhatsApp CRM

WhatsApp CRM is a customer relationship management software that integrates with WhatsApp Business API to allow businesses to communicate and interact with their customers from a single dashboard.

Use virtual phone numbers for WhatsApp accounts, allowing businesses to manage multiple numbers for different departments or regions without needing physical SIM cards. This facilitates scalable and flexible communication.

lead profile interface

Benefits of WhatsApp CRM

📲 To integrate WhatsApp with your CRM, you need to understand the types of WhatsApp Business Accounts and integrations supported by CRMs.

Along with the regular WhatsApp app that you are probably using on a daily basis, there are two other versions available for businesses:

  • WhatsApp Business App: Free & ideal for small businesses
  • WhatsApp Business API or WhatsApp Cloud API: Paid & suitable for medium and large enterprizes

WhatsApp Business API has more advanced features but does not have an interface, which means it requires integration with a WhatsApp CRM.

It allows you to store all your conversations with customers in one place, so you don’t have to switch between different apps or platforms. 📝

WhatsApp CRM integration types

WhatsApp CRM integrations are divided into native integrations and third-party integrations:

  • Native Integration is a direct integration of WhatsApp into a CRM platform or software that is usually developed and supported by the CRM provider itself. This ensures a seamless user experience and, usually, cheaper rates.
  • Third-Party Integration is developed by external providers to connect WhatsApp with a CRM system. They often have more advanced features and customization options that may not be available in the native integrations but tend to cost more.
  • WhatsApp Cloud API is designed for medium and large businesses to interact with customers using Meta’s cloud-hosted version. It is considered easier in terms of implementation and maintenance. You need to connect them to a BSP or customer conversation management software (CCM), or alternatively, you can build your own app.
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Types of WhatsApp Business integration

WhatsApp CRM Providers around the globe

It's no surprise that businesses of all sizes from all around the world are implementing WhatsApp CRM to connect with their customers. There are plenty of different WhatsApp CRM solutions out there, like Kommo, Hubspot, and Zoho, to name a few. Each has its own set of features and capabilities and, of course, a price tag.

🤔 Choosing the right WhatsApp CRM solution is an important decision that shouldn't be taken lightly. Here is a list of just a few WhatsApp CRM alternatives and what they have to offer.

infographic with data about crms

Top WhatsApp CRMs

Why choose Kommo as your WhatsApp CRM solution

If you're looking for a reliable and effective WhatsApp CRM solution, Kommo might be the ONE. 👀 You can use Kommo for WhatsApp marketing, WhatsApp sales, and WhatsApp customer service.

Let's see why you might want to consider choosing Kommo as your WhatsApp CRM solution.

WhatsApp CRM for Marketing

The marketing team is leveraging WhatsApp CRM to enhance their marketing strategies and engage with clients more effectively. 😎 They are utilizing the platform to:

  • Capture new leads instantly
  • Centralize leads from all sources in one app
  • Organize inbound leads in a pipeline
  • Create audiences and schedule personalized mass messaging campaigns
  • Launch remarketing campaigns
  • Automate marketing funnel with WhatsApp chatbot

WhatsApp Lead Generation

With its massive user base, WhatsApp is the perfect platform to connect with potential customers. And the best part? There are endless ways to capture leads using WhatsApp! 🎉

You can add your WhatsApp link or WhatsApp QR code to your website and social media channels, create custom WhatsApp chat widgets and buttons, and even build send-back webforms.

Learn more about WhatsApp Lead Generation.

Unified Inbox

Kommo's WhatsApp CRM solution takes lead generation to the next level by not only capturing leads but also organizing them into a pipeline.

📥 Unified inbox in Kommo allows you to manage all customer communication in one place, including messages from WhatsApp, social media, email, live chat, and connected platforms.

When a lead sends a message, it appears in the unified inbox within WhatsApp CRM. With all customer communication in a single app, you can easily keep track of all messages and inquiries without having to check multiple channels at the same time. 🤓

At the same time, Kommo automatically generates lead cards for every incoming message, giving you instant access to the entire message history and contact information in one place. 👍 This means, there is no need to search for messages in different tabs or copy-paste data from one app to another.

Then, you can segment them into different audiences. This will help when sending targeted promotional broadcast messages via the Kommo Broadcasting Feature. 📢

a screenshot of unified inbox

Kommo’s unified inbox

WhatsApp Broadcast

When the number of leads starts growing, keeping them engaged will become challenging. 🤯 But don’t worry; with Kommo’s WhatsApp broadcasting feature, you can easily send targeted promotional messages to your audience without the headache of typing them manually or copy-pasting them.

📢 WhatsApp broadcast feature allows you to send the same message to multiple contacts simultaneously.

With our WhatsApp broadcasting feature, you can send messages to up to 256 contacts 👥 on your WhatsApp Business account and up to an unlimited number of contacts if you are using WhatsApp Business API.

And the best part, you can segment your audience via tags, make your messages personalized, and use WhatsApp templates to enhance the effectiveness of your promotional campaigns even further. 📈

🏷 Tags simplify lead management and automation by allowing businesses to assign tags to contacts and trigger automatic actions for specific groups of leads.

infographic of broadcasting

Creating a WhatsApp Broadcast in Kommo

infographic of broadcasting

Creating a WhatsApp Broadcast in Kommo

Want to learn more about Kommo WhatsApp Broadcasting feature? Check out this article.

WhatsApp chatbot for marketing team

WhatsApp broadcasting is just one of the many features that can help your marketing team to automate lead engagement and nurturing. With Kommo’s WhatsApp chatbot, your team can breathe a sigh of relief. 😮‍💨

Our visual chatbot builder is super easy to use, even if you don’t have any coding skills. You can either build a chatbot from scratch or customize an existing template to suit your needs. 🤖

We all know the feeling of getting bombarded with unwanted messages. 😫

That's why by offering your clients an option to opt-in or opt-out from your promotional campaigns, you can show that you respect their privacy. 🔥

With a simple opt-in process, customers can take control of their WhatsApp messages and enjoy a personalized experience with your business.

Here’s how it works:

  1. You set up your chatbot to ask customers whether they want to opt-in or opt-out of receiving deals and promotions from you.
  2. Depending on the answer, the bot assigns a specific tag to the contact.

Once all the tags are in, you can start your promotional campaign. 🚀

logic of a chatbot illustration

Assigning opt-in or opt-out tag in Kommo

Measure WhatsApp Marketing Campaign Performance

Kommo’s dashboard and statistics tab will provide you with powerful tools to measure the performance of your WhatsApp marketing campaigns. 🛠️

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Using dashboard in Kommo

Our dashboard is our personal command center, where you can monitor all the important metrics in one place. From the number of unanswered messages and median response time to the percentage of monthly target sales 💸, you’ll have a centralized view that allows you to stay in control and streamline your operations.

You can also use the dashboard to monitor customer feedback and respond to inquiries in real time, improving customer satisfaction and retention. 🫂 By quickly addressing any questions or negative feedback, you show your customers that you value their input and aim to provide the best experience possible.

Learn more about Kommo dashboard.

In addition, Kommo’s stats tab offers even more in-depth analytics for your WhatsApp marketing campaigns. We are talking Win-loss analysis, consolidated reports, and even reports by customers.

Find out what’s working and what’s not so that you can adjust your WhatsApp marketing strategy accordingly. 🤓

WhatsApp CRM for Sales: Boost Sales

Thanks to Kommo WhatsApp CRM you can also shorten your sales cycle. 🔁 With its super easy-to-use interface and a ton of features, it can help you engage with leads in a more personalized and efficient way. This means faster deal closures and more satisfied customers.

With Kommo WhatsApp CRM, you can:

  • Store lead information, track interactions, and set reminders for follow-ups, ensuring that no potential opportunity is missed
  • Receive and process orders, update customers on order status, and coordinate deliveries

WhatsApp Sales Funnel

Kommo also organizes your leads into different stages of the sales funnel in the bird-eye view, providing a clear overview of the sales process. This feature makes managing and tracking their progress easier, allowing you to focus on what’s most important - converting leads into customers.

screenshot of pipeline in crm

Kommo's pipeline

WhatsApp Lead Management

The sales team uses WhatsApp CRM to manage and organize leads effectively. They can store lead information, track interactions, and set reminders for follow-ups, ensuring that no potential opportunity is missed. 🎯

crm lead profile interface

An example of a lead profile in Kommo

WhatsApp Multi-agent

A WhatsApp multi-agent feature allows you to connect multiple WhatsApp numbers to a single Kommo account to manage your customer conversations in one place, making it easier to handle a higher volume of customer inquiries at the same time.

With WhatsApp multi-agent, you can also collaborate better with your colleagues, as you can work together to resolve complex issues and provide more personalized customer support. 🤝 At the same time, you can control who has access to what, including the inbox. And if you need to assign specific conversations to agents based on their expertise, you can do that too, ensuring your customers have the best experience possible. 🤩

interface of users in crm

Using the WhatsApp multi agent feature in Kommo

WhatsApp multi-agent can be used with both WhatsApp Business App and WhatsApp Business API. The difference is that for WhatsApp Business App you can connect only up to 5 devices 📱, including your phone, unless you are subscribed to WhatsApp Business Premium. For WhatsApp Business API the number of users will depend on your business needs and the WhatsApp Business solution provider.

WhatsApp Templates

Kommo lets you create custom templates for WhatsApp and other messaging platforms. With WhatsApp templates, you can automatically send personalized messages to multiple people based on specific triggers, filling them with details from the lead card.

💬 WhatsApp templates are pre-designed messages businesses can use to automate and streamline customer communication on the WhatsApp Business API.

This means you and your team can respond to your leads and clients with messages within seconds, instead of taking hours typing the messages over and over again.

chatbot template interface


But that’s not all - WhatsApp templates also play a crucial role in initiating conversations with leads if you are using WhatsApp Business API. To communicate with leads outside of a 24-hour window, businesses need to use a Meta-approved template according to their policy. So if you want to streamline your messaging and stay compliant, Kommo is the way to go. 😎


WhatsApp Chatbot for sales teams

As mentioned before, our chatbot can do wonders. It can become a life-saver for sales teams by automating repetitive tasks and improving response times to leads. 💪 Let’s take a look into a few more features our Salesbot comes with.

chatbot builder interface

Chatbot builder in Kommo

Automated Follow ups on WhatsApp

With Kommo's chatbot, you can easily automate your follow-ups, including WhatsApp follow-ups, and make sure that every lead is taken care of. 🙋‍♀️ With just a few clicks, you can set up the chatbot to follow up with leads who haven't responded within a certain period of time. Just like that:

screenshot of a chat with bot

Example of an automatic follow up in Kommo CRM

This ensures that no lead falls through the cracks and helps to improve your overall lead engagement and conversion rates. 📈

Document Generation

Our document generator bot is your personal assistant, transferring data from your Kommo lead cards straight to your document templates and creating a tailored document for each customer. 📄

With special modifiers, you can easily transfer data such as dates, order prices, and more. This feature not only saves you time and hassle but also ensures that your customers receive accurate and customized documents every time. ✅

influencer contract

Benefits of document generation in Kommo

Automated Invoices

On top of document generation, our chatbot can also create and send invoices to your customers.

Yes, you’ve heard that right!

Our chatbot can handle the entire purchasing process, from answering product questions to sending payment details and finalizing the sale.🤝 So just imagine how much time and effort it will save you.

With our chatbot, you can easily:

  • Create customizable and automated invoices.
  • Set up an automatic payment process.
  • Send a payment link to a customer so they can pay in one click.
  • Get real-time invoice status updates.
  • Automatically transfer leads to another stage of the pipeline.
  • Edit and cancel unpaid invoices.
screenshot of a bot builder

Creating a PayPal invoice for a bot

Kommo has integration with Paypal, Mercado pago and Stripe.

Kommo Mobile App

And if you are always on the go, just like most of us. Kommo got you covered.⚡️With our app, you can easily manage your leads, even when you’re out and about. In just one tap, you can have access to your lead database, your tasks, and chat with your clients directly from your smartphone.📱

screenshots of Kommo app

Kommo’s mobile CRM app

Kommo Mobile app has a super easy-to-use interface, and you will receive notifications 🔔 about new leads and follow-ups, ensuring that you never miss a beat.

Available both for iOS and Android devices.

WhatsApp CRM for Support: Improve Customer Support Quality

The support team is effectively utilizing WhatsApp CRM to enhance their customer support services and provide efficient and personalized assistance. 🙋‍♂️

Here's how the support team is leveraging WhatsApp CRM:

  • Prompt Customer Communication: quickly respond to customer queries, concerns, and requests, providing timely support.
  • Ticket Management: assign tickets, track their status, and ensure that each customer request receives proper attention and resolution.
  • Personalized Support: access customer profiles, previous conversations, and purchase history, enabling them to provide tailored assistance based on individual needs.
  • Rich Media Support: share images, videos, or documents to guide customers through troubleshooting steps, provide product demonstrations, or share helpful resources.
  • Proactive Customer Outreach: send follow-up messages, check customer satisfaction, and offer additional assistance, ensuring a proactive and customer-centric support approach.

WhatsApp widget

To encourage website visitors to start a conversation with your business, Kommo allows you to set up an eye catchy WhatsApp widget 💬 All you have to do is add an easy-install button on your website, and visitors can initiate a chat with you directly through WhatsApp with a single click.

chat widgets animation

Adding a chat widget

It’s a simple yet very effective way to increase engagement with your customers and potentially boost your sales. Plus, it’s super easy to install and customize to fit your brand’s vibe. 🙌

WhatsApp chatbot for Support teams

Another tool that will become a game-changer for your business, thanks to our WhatsApp CRM, is the WhatsApp chatbot for support teams. 👨‍🔧

Our little AI friend called Salesbot will give your customers quick access to the information about their orders, provide answers to frequently asked questions, engage with leads and clients 24/7, direct them to the right sales team reps, or collect feedback - all without having to wait on hold. 💃

interface of a whatsapp chat

Example of a chatbot chatting with a client

And the best part, it can learn from customer interactions and improve its responses over time.

Explore our blog for more details.

Kommo Success Stories

Still unsure about the benefits of WhatsApp CRM?

Here are a few examples of businesses across various industries and countries unleashing the power of WhatsApp and Kommo CRM to improve customer communication, streamline workflow, and drive growth.

From small startups to established enterprises, these businesses have all witnessed tangible results and improved customer satisfaction after implementing our CRM solution. 😉🏆

WhatsApp CRM for Real Estate

When it came to managing the sales of their real estate projects, Gardens Desarrollos from Argentina faced a daunting challenge. 😩 That's when they turned to Kommo for a solution. Kommo's powerful CRM platform, allowed them to centralize all their sales management and advisory operations into a single, streamlined tool.

See how our WhatsApp CRM solution can help you easily manage your customer interactions and improve your sales funnel.

WhatsApp CRM for Travel agency

With the help of Kommo CRM, Colombian travel agency - SmarTravel has been able to attend to their customers 24/7 and generate sales through their bot, inform clients about their desired destinations, help plan their trips, and provide advice. All of that without the need for direct communication with customers. 🤖

To see how our WhatsApp CRM solution can transform your business, watch the video below:

WhatsApp CRM for Event planning

Now, this one's for you, coffee lovers. ☕️

Fausto Russo has jump-started his business by creating a new coffee culture in Venezuela. He chose to implement Kommo CRM, which successfully allowed him to meet the growing customer demand and streamline event organization.

Watch this video to discover how he did it:

WhatsApp CRM for Legal firms

Grupo Nexo, a real estate law agency in Columbia, easily manages hundreds of clients via WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and email with the help of Kommo CRM. 💪

Learn how to use WhatsApp to build customer loyalty and increase retention. Watch the video below:

WhatsApp CRM for Online School

Brainshock Group, based in Argentina, has revolutionized online education with their school for sommeliers using Kommo. 🍷 Our CRM solution has unified sales, suppliers, students, courses, and careers into a single tool, streamlining their work and allowing them to expand to other countries.

Want to streamline your operations and improve customer satisfaction? Watch this video and see how our WhatsApp CRM solution can help.

WhatsApp CRM for Marketing agencies and teams

Find out how this group of young Venezuelan entrepreneurs formed a Marketing 360 company and leveraged Kommo to filter leads, perform digital campaigns, process hundreds of orders, facilitate communication, and make work processes more effective. 💁‍♀️

See how our WhatsApp CRM can help you track your team's performance and optimize your sales strategy. Watch the video below:

Managing an international sales team can be challenging, but Kommo has turned this challenge into a competitive advantage. 😎 Toteat, a company that develops software for managing restaurant operations located in Chile, needed a tool to make it easier for their business to expand to different countries without losing any leads. Kommo became just that tool.

See how our WhatsApp CRM solution can help you improve your customer engagement and retention. Watch this video to learn more:

WhatsApp CRM for Small businesses

If you are looking for the best CRM for small businesses, listen to this story by PZR Pizarras Adhesives, a family business based in Peru which was struggling to keep up with their growing demand and found a solution in Kommo. 🔥

See how the Kommo WhatsApp CRM solution can help you save time and resources while driving more sales and improving customer engagement. Check out this video now:

WhatsApp CRM for Healthcare

Antonio Parada and a group of entrepreneurs from Venezuela created Casa del Diabético to help patients with diabetes manage their treatment without leaving the house. 💉 With Kommo, they created an efficient system to improve response time, optimize their operations, and above all, increase sales. Now, they can serve up to 200 people in one morning and monitor their entire business operation remotely.

Watch this inspiring story and see how businesses like yours are leveraging WhatsApp to drive more sales:

André, the leader of Monissa, a Brazilian healthcare company, used Kommo to optimize customer communication and retention while expanding his business throughout Brazil.

See how businesses use WhatsApp to improve customer service and boost sales. Watch the video to get inspired:

WhatsApp CRM for Sales teams

Kommo helped Moisés from GPS Shield streamline sales processes for his vehicle access control system across multiple buildings with minimal staff. Automated payment and post-sale reminders that he set up in Kommo allowed him to be in control and follow up with clients who had purchased his subscription. 🤖

Want to streamline your operations and improve customer satisfaction? Watch this video and see how our WhatsApp CRM solution can help.

BHL chose Kommo to facilitate high volumes of inquiries and sales and help them position their unique product to both B2B and B2C clients across Costa Rica. 🥳

Learn how to use WhatsApp for customer research and seamless communication. Watch our video to find out how it can benefit your business.

WhatsApp CRM for Commercial store management

Our client, Gilson Rodrigues from Brazil, shares how Kommo and WhatsApp integration gave him control of what was happening in his stores, improved communication with customers and the team, and recovered 80% of his lost sales. 😱

Discover how to use WhatsApp to provide a seamless customer experience and improve your brand reputation. Watch this video to learn more.

How to Get Started with Kommo's WhatsApp CRM Integrations

Kommo provides you with three ways in which you can start working with Whatsapp in our CRM.

1. WhatsApp Lite for Free

2. The WhatsApp Business API integration

3. The WhatsApp Cloud API integration

WhatsApp Lite

WhatsApp Lite is a free integration for Small Businesses created by our team that links your WhatsApp Business account to Kommo via QR Code. 🤳 This integration allows your team to:

  • Collaborate with your team on a single account
  • Connect multiple numbers
  • Manage leads throughout the sales process
  • Get help from a chatbot (Advanced plan or higher)

Watch this video to learn more:

The WhatsApp Business API integration

Please note: The WhatsApp Business API integration is no longer available. From now on, please use the WhatsApp Cloud API integration.

The WhatsApp Business API integration connects Kommo account with your WhatsApp Business Account, allowing you to use paid templates to initiate conversations, send mass messages and add interactive buttons.

With WhatsApp integration, you can manage your WhatsApp account without leaving Kommo, including:

  • Creating a WhatsApp Business Account
  • Submitting templates for Meta's approval
  • Monitoring stats
  • Topping up your account balance
a table comparing whatsapp integrations

Comparison of a WhatsApp Lite and WhatsApp integration

Read this article to find out more.

The WhatsApp Cloud API integration

The WhatsApp Cloud API helps medium and large businesses to interact with clients using Meta’s cloud-hosted version. It offers many features that empower businesses to connect and engage with customers.

You can use Kommo as your front-end interface to interact with your clients by integrating the API with Kommo account.

Meta emphasizes that they recommend that the majority of businesses use the Cloud API due to ease of implementation and maintenance. Here are more benefits you can enjoy using WhatsApp Cloud API 👇

Here is also a clear breakdown of its difference between the WhatsApp Business API and WhatsApp Cloud API integration.

Read this article to find out more.

WhatsApp CRM FAQs

Bottom line

In today's digital age, businesses need to communicate effectively with their customers across multiple channels. Kommo WhatsApp CRM, with the help of the unified inbox and a Salesbot, offers a powerful solution to manage all customer interactions from a single app, simplifying communication and enhancing customer engagement. Give Kommo a try with our FREE 14-trial. No credit card is required. 😉

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