Sending/importing messages




This method allows you to send incoming and outgoing messages, or import messages that were sent in a third-party application.

The method will create a message and, if necessary, the chat itself for the specified msgid and conversation_id.

Message type When to use What parameters should be passed
from client
the client sent a message to the connected channel only the payload[sender] field is filled in, the payload[receiver] field is not sent
to client
from Kommo user
the manager wrote a message to the client, we can identify exactly who sent the message the fields payload[sender] (information about the manager) and payload[receiver] (information about the client) are filled in, in the field payload[sender][ref_id] the Kommo user ID is passed to the chat API
to client
from integration bot
the manager wrote a message to the client, we cannot identify who exactly sent the message the fields payload[sender] (information about the bot) and payload[receiver] (information about the client) are filled in, the ID of the integration bot, which was received when registering the channel in the chat API, is passed to the payload[sender][ref_id] field

Using this API method, you can bulk import old messages into a chat. We recommend performing the import without notifications to managers or creating an incoming lead for all messages except the last one (the most recent).

To do this, you should pass the body parameter payload[silent] a true value for all messages except for the last one that passes the payload[silent] a false value. This way, an incoming message will be created for the last message, and only one notification will come. Thus we will not create unnecessary disturbance for the user.

When importing messages from the integration bot, hooks are not sent.

Headers & Authorization type

The request headers are the same as the ones for all Chat API requests. Information about them is explained in details in the connect a chat channel page.

Header Description
Date Date and time when the request was generated.
Content-type Request data type.
Content-MD5 For the request body
X-Signature Signature of the request as a string.

Example of the body

   "event_type": "new_message",
   "payload": {
       "timestamp": 1670420919,
       "msec_timestamp": 1670420919670,
       "msgid": "f1065e3b-0ec6-427b-b97c-883329acbe3d",
       "conversation_id": "62ef74a4-80c5-403d-93d9-bada6302810d",
       "sender": {
           "id": "b0bc49f0-ec21-4463-965f-1fe1d4cd5a89",
           "avatar": "",
           "profile": {
               "phone": "+18305803077"
           "name": "Adam"
       "receiver": {
           "id": "b0bc49f0-ec21-4463-965f-1fe1d4cd5a90",
           "avatar": "",
           "name": "Lily"
       "message": {
           "type": "text",
           "text": "Hello Lily!"
       "silent": false

Body parameters

The body parameter contains the event type with an object called payload.

Parameter Data type Description
event_type string Event type, currently only new_message is supported
payload object An array contains the elements of the message. Description about the elements of the object.
Payload elements
Parameter Data type Description
timestamp int Message timestamp in the format of Unix Timestamp
msec_timestamp int Message timestamp in milliseconds
msgid string Chat message ID on the integration side
conversation_id string Chat ID on the integration side
Optional field
string Chat ID on Kommo side. Needed to be sent when the client responds to a message sent with “Write first” in order for the Chat API to associate the chat on your side with the chat on the system.
Optional field
object Message source. Description about the elements of the object.
sender object Message sender. Description about the elements of the object.
receiver object Message receiver. Description about the elements of the object.
message object An array contains the message components. Description about the elements of the object.
silent bool Defines whether the message will trigger a notification in the Kommo account
Source entity
Parameter Data type Description
Optional field
string Chat source identifier on the integration side. The field length is 40 characters, you can use any printable ascii characters and a space.

If you do not need to specify the source, then the source field does not need to be passed.

Message entity
Parameter Data type Description
type string Message type, one of the following: text, contact, file, video, picture, voice, audio, sticker, location
text string The field is mandatory for the “text” type, can be empty for other types
media string Url to the file, video, picture, voice, audio, or sticker. Url should be available for download
Optional field
int The size of the file from the “media” field
file_name string The name of the file from the “media” field url, the field is optional. Ignored for the “voice” type
contact object Mandatory fields for messages of type contact (contact information).  Description about the elements of the object.
location object Mandatory fields for messages of type location (geoposition). Description about the elements of the object.
Sender and receiver entities
Parameter Data type Description
Required field
string Chat participant ID on the integration side
Optional field
string Chat participant ID on the Chat API side
Required field
string Chat participant name
Optional field
string Link to the chat participant’s avatar. The link must be available to third-party resources and provide an image for download
Optional field
string Chat participant profile. Description about the elements of the object.
Optional field
string Link to the profile of the chat participant in a third-party chat system
Sender and receiver profile
Parameter Data type Description
Optional field
string Phone number. When creating an incoming lead, the phone number will be added to the contact data
Optional field
string Email address. When creating an incoming lead, the email address will be added to the contact data
Message contact entity
Parameter Data type Description
Required field
string Conatct name
Required field
string Conatct phone
Message location entity
Parameter Data type Description
Required field
float Longitude
Required field
float Latitude

Examples of different bodies

An incoming message from a client
   "event_type": "new_message",
   "payload": {
       "timestamp": 1670420919,
       "msec_timestamp": 1670420919670,
       "msgid": "f1065e3b-0ec6-427b-b97c-883329acbe3d",
       "conversation_id": "62ef74a4-80c5-403d-93d9-bada6302810d",
       "sender": {
           "id": "b0bc49f0-ec21-4463-965f-1fe1d4cd5a89",
           "avatar": "",
           "profile": {
               "phone": "+18305803077"
           "name": "Adam"
       "message": {
           "type": "text",
           "text": "Hello Lily!"
       "silent": false
An outgoing message from a manager when we can identify the sender
   "event_type": "new_message",
   "payload": {
       "timestamp": 1670490330,
       "msec_timestamp": 1670490330161,
       "msgid": "f1065e3b-0ec6-427b-b97c-883329acbe3f",
       "conversation_id": "62ef74a4-80c5-403d-93d9-bada6302810d",
       "sender": {
           "id": "b0bc49f0-ec21-4463-965f-1fe1d4cd5a90",
           "name": "Lama",
           "ref_id": "76fc2bea-902f-425c-9a3d-dcdac4766090"
       "receiver": {
           "id": "b0bc49f0-ec21-4463-965f-1fe1d4cd5a89",
           "avatar": "",
           "name": "Adam",
           "profile": {
               "phone": "+18305803077",
               "email": ""
           "profile_link": ""
       "message": {
           "type": "text",
           "text": "Hello from Kommo! It is Thursday already!"
       "silent": true
An outgoing message from a manager when we can’t identify the sender (coming from the name of a channel bot)
   "event_type": "new_message",
   "payload": {
       "timestamp": 1670490330,
       "msec_timestamp": 1670490330161,
       "msgid": "f1065e3b-0ec6-427b-b97c-883329acbe3f",
       "conversation_id": "62ef74a4-80c5-403d-93d9-bada6302810d",
       "sender": {
           "id": "b0bc49f0-ec21-4463-965f-1fe1d4cd5100",
           "name": "Bot",
           "ref_id": "76fc2bea-902f-425c-9a3d-dcdac47660555"
       "receiver": {
           "id": "b0bc49f0-ec21-4463-965f-1fe1d4cd5a89",
           "avatar": "",
           "name": "Adam",
           "profile": {
               "phone": "+18305803077",
               "email": ""
           "profile_link": ""
       "message": {
           "type": "text",
           "text": "Hello from our bot!"
       "silent": true
An outgoing message from a manager with media file
  "event_type": "new_message",
  "payload": {
      "timestamp": 1670420919,
      "msec_timestamp": 1670420919670,
      "msgid": "f1065e3b-0ec6-427b-b97c-883329acbe3d",
      "conversation_id": "62ef74a4-80c5-403d-93d9-bada6302810d",
       "sender": {
          "id": "b0bc49f0-ec21-4463-965f-1fe1d4cd5a90",
          "name": "Lama",
          "ref_id": "76fc2bea-902f-425c-9a3d-dcdac4766090"
      "receiver": {
          "id": "b0bc49f0-ec21-4463-965f-1fe1d4cd5a89",
          "avatar": "",
          "name": "Adam",
          "profile": {
              "phone": "+18305803077",
              "email": ""
          "profile_link": ""
      "message": {
          "type": "file",
          "text": "Please find attached the offer file",
          "media" : "",
          "file_name" : "offer"
      "silent": false

Example in PHP

$secret = 'fb50586ff7b68cd831fe0ef356345903f644c0d2';
$method = 'POST';
$contentType = 'application/json';
$date =  date(DateTimeInterface::RFC2822);// in format "Wed, 07 Dec 2022 16:00:00 +0000";
$path = '/v2/origin/custom/f62a0162-46a7-430e-b06c-0ef798d56b21_52fd2a28-d2eb-4bd8-b862-a67934927b38';
$url = "" . $path;

$body = [
    'event_type' => 'new_message',
    'payload' => [
        'timestamp' => time(),
        'msec_timestamp' => round(microtime(true) * 1000),
        'msgid' => 'f1065e3b-0ec6-427b-b97c-883329acbe3d',
        'conversation_id' => '62ef74a4-80c5-403d-93d9-bada6302810d',
        'sender' => [
            'id' => 'b0bc49f0-ec21-4463-965f-1fe1d4cd5a89',
            'avatar' => '',
            'profile' => [
                'phone' => '+18305803077',
            'name' => 'Adam',
        'message' => [
            'type' => 'text',
            'text' => 'Hello Kommo!',
        'silent' => false,

$requestBody = json_encode($body);
$checkSum = md5($requestBody);

$str = implode("\n", [
$signature = hash_hmac('sha1', $str, $secret);

$headers = [
    'Date' => $date,
    'Content-Type' => $contentType,
    'Content-MD5' => strtolower($checkSum),
    'X-Signature' => strtolower($signature),

$curlHeaders = [];
foreach ($headers as $name => $value) {
    $curlHeaders[] = $name . ": " . $value;

echo $method . ' ' . $url . PHP_EOL;
foreach ($curlHeaders as $header) {
    echo $header . PHP_EOL;
echo PHP_EOL . $requestBody . PHP_EOL;

Example of the cURL request

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Date: Wed, 07 Dec 2022 16:00:00 +0000' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Content-MD5: fd1582fbc028bf3c3752ab4ecba1aafd' \
--header 'X-Signature: fb50ad5e1b0bcf52c0072bb021944fa394104704' \
--data-raw '{"event_type":"new_message","payload":{"timestamp":1670421428,"msec_timestamp":1670421428210,"msgid":"f1065e3b-0ec6-427b-b97c-883329acbe3d","conversation_id":"62ef74a4-80c5-403d-93d9-bada6302810d","sender":{"id":"b0bc49f0-ec21-4463-965f-1fe1d4cd5a89","avatar":"",   "profile":{"phone":"+18305803077"},"name":"Adam"},"message":{"type":"text","text":"Hello Kommo!"},"silent":false}}'

Data type header when the request is successful

Content-Type: application/json

Data type header in case of an error

Content-Type: application/json

HTTP response codes

Response code Case
200 The message is accepted for processing.
403 Incorrect request signature.
400 Invalid data are given. Details are available in the response.


   "new_message": {
       "msgid": "7465c4de-47b3-43ed-b46e-db12b688482f",
       "ref_id": "f1065e3b-0ec6-427b-b97c-883329acbe3d"

Response parameters

The method returns the amojo_id of the message that will appear in the chat feed when processed.

Parameter Data type Description
new_message[msgid] string Message ID in the Chats API
new_message[ref_id] string Chat ID on the integration side

Now, let retrieve the chat history.