Adding, updating, and deleting lists
These methods are only available to users who have permission to access the lists. Methods allow you to add lists one by one or in batches, and also update data on existing lists and delete them.
Method URL
POST / api / v2 / catalogs
Parameter | Type | Description |
add | array | List of added lists |
update | array | Updating existing lists All the parameters that are described in add also work in the update |
delete | array | List of lists to remove |
add/name require |
string | List Name |
add/type | string | List type “regular” – list, “invoices” – accounts |
add/can_add_elements | bool | Adding an account from the interface |
add/can_show_in_cards | bool | Possibility to add a tab with a list to the leads/customer card |
add/can_link_multiple | bool | The ability to tie one element of this list to several leads/customers |
add/request_id | int | Unique identifier of a record in the client program, optional parameter (information about request_id is not saved anywhere) |
update/id require |
int | The unique identifier of the list, which is indicated for the purpose of updating it |
delete require |
array | An array with unique list identifiers that are specified for deletion purposes |
Example of request to add a list
add: [
name: "Products"
Example of a request to update the list
update: [
id: "2456",
name: "Products"
Example of request to delete lists
delete: [
Response parameters
Parameter | Description |
id | Unique identifier for the new entity |
request_id | The unique identifier of the entity in the client program, if the request_id is not passed in the request, it is automatically generated |
_links | An array containing information about the query |
_links/self | An array containing information about the current request |
_links/self/href | Relative URL of the current request |
_links/self/method | Current request method |
_embedded | An array containing information adjacent to the query |
_embedded/items | An array containing information for each individual element |
_link: {
self: {
href: "/api/v2/catalogs",
method: "post"
_embedded: {
items: [
id: 4223,
_link: {
self: {
href: "/api/v2/catalogs?id=4223",
method: "get"
Adding Lists
To create a new list, you need to describe an array containing information about it and put it into an array of the following form: $catalogs[‘add’]
Our API also supports the simultaneous addition of multiple lists at once. To do this, we put several arrays into the array $catalogs[‘add’], each of which describes the necessary data to create the corresponding list.
Example of integration
$catalogs['add'] = array(
/* Now prepare the data needed to query the server */
$subdomain='test'; #Our account - subdomain
#We form the link for the query
/* We need to initiate a request to the server. We use the cURL library (supplied as part of PHP). Learn more about working with this
library you can read in the manual. */
$curl=curl_init(); #Save the Session Descriptor with URL
#Set the necessary options for the session withURL
curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,array('Content-Type: application/json'));
curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE,dirname(__FILE__).'/cookie.txt'); #PHP>5.3.6 dirname(__FILE__) -> __DIR__
curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR,dirname(__FILE__).'/cookie.txt'); #PHP>5.3.6 dirname(__FILE__) -> __DIR__
$out=curl_exec($curl); #Initiate a request to the API and save the response to a variable
/* Now we can process the response received from the server. This is an example. You can process the data in your own way. */
301=>'Moved permanently',
400=>'Bad request',
404=>'Not found',
500=>'Internal server error',
502=>'Bad gateway',
503=>'Service unavailable'
#If the response code is not 200 or 204, we return an error message
if($code!=200 && $code!=204)
throw new Exception(isset($errors[$code]) ? $errors[$code] : 'Undescribed error',$code);
catch(Exception $E)
die('Error: '.$E->getMessage().PHP_EOL.'Error code: '.$E->getCode());
The data is obtained in the JSON format, therefore, in order to obtain readable data,
We will have to translate the answer into a format that PHP understands
$output='ID of added catalogs:'.PHP_EOL;
foreach($Response as $v)
return $output;
Update lists
To update the list, you need to describe an array containing information about it and put it into an array of the following form: $catalogs[‘update’]
Our API also supports the simultaneous updating of several lists at once. To do this, we put several arrays in the $catalogs[‘update’] array, each of which describes the necessary data to update the corresponding list.
Example of integration
'id'=> 2561,
'id'=> 2562,
/* Now prepare the data needed to query the server */
$subdomain='test'; #Our account - subdomain
#We form the reference for the query
/* We need to initiate a request to the server. We use the cURL library (supplied as part of PHP). Learn more about working with this
library you can read in the manual. */
$curl=curl_init(); #We save the cURL session handle
#Set the necessary options for the cURL session
curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,array('Content-Type: application/json'));
curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE,dirname(__FILE__).'/cookie.txt'); #PHP>5.3.6 dirname(__FILE__) -> __DIR__
curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR,dirname(__FILE__).'/cookie.txt'); #PHP>5.3.6 dirname(__FILE__) -> __DIR__
$out=curl_exec($curl); #Initiate a request to the API and save the response to a variable
/* Now we can process the response received from the server. This is an example. You can process the data in your own way. */
301=>'Moved permanently',
400=>'Bad request',
404=>'Not found',
500=>'Internal server error',
502=>'Bad gateway',
503=>'Service unavailable'
#If the response code is not 200 or 204, we return an error message
if($code!=200 && $code!=204)
throw new Exception(isset($errors[$code]) ? $errors[$code] : 'Undescribed error',$code);
catch(Exception $E)
die('Error: '.$E->getMessage().PHP_EOL.'Error code: '.$E->getCode());
Deleting lists
To delete a list, you need to describe an array containing information about it and put it into an array of the following form: $catalogs[‘delete’]
Our API also supports the simultaneous deletion of several lists at once. To do this, we put several elements into the $catalogs[‘delete’] array, each of which describes the necessary data to delete the corresponding list.
/* Now prepare the data needed to query the server */
$subdomain='test'; #Our account- subdomain
#We form the reference for the query
/* We need to initiate a request to the server. We use the cURL library (supplied as part of PHP). Learn more about working with this
library you can read in the manual. */
$curl=curl_init(); #We save the cURL session handle
#Set the necessary options for the cURL session
curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,array('Content-Type: application/json'));
curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE,dirname(__FILE__).'/cookie.txt'); #PHP>5.3.6 dirname(__FILE__) -> __DIR__
curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR,dirname(__FILE__).'/cookie.txt'); #PHP>5.3.6 dirname(__FILE__) -> __DIR__
$out=curl_exec($curl); #Initiate a request to the API and save the response to a variable
/* Now we can process the response received from the server. This is an example. You can process the data in your own way. */
301=>'Moved permanently',
400=>'Bad request',
404=>'Not found',
500=>'Internal server error',
502=>'Bad gateway',
503=>'Service unavailable'
#If the response code is not 200 or 204, we return an error message
if($code!=200 && $code!=204)
throw new Exception(isset($errors[$code]) ? $errors[$code] : 'Undescribed error',$code);
catch(Exception $E)
die('Error: '.$E->getMessage().PHP_EOL.'Error code: '.$E->getCode());
List of Lists
Method for obtaining a list of account lists.
Method URL
GET / api / v2 / catalogs
GET parameters
Parameter | Description |
id | Select item with given ID |
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | int | Unique list id |
name | string | List Name |
created_by | int | ID of the user who created the list |
created_at | timestamp | Date of creation |
sort | int | The parameter indicates where the list will be located |
_links | array | An array containing information about the query |
_links/self | array | An array containing information about the current request |
_links/self/href | string | Relative URL of the current request |
_links/self/method | string | Current request method |
_embedded | array | An array containing information adjacent to the query |
_embedded/items | array | An array containing information for each individual element |
_links: {
self: {
href: "/api/v2/catalogs",
method: "get"
_embedded: {
items: [
id: 4223,
name: "Products",
created_by: 504141,
created_at: 1508930391,
sort: 10,
_links: {
self: {
href: "/api/v2/catalogs?id=4223",
method: "get"
id: 4222,
name: "Sevices",
created_by: 504141,
created_at: 1508930288,
sort: 20,
_links: {
self: {
href: "/api/v2/catalogs?id=4222",
method: "get"
Example of the request:
/* First, we need to initialize the data needed to compose the query. */
$subdomain='test'; #Our account is a subdomain
#We form the reference for the query
/* Note that you can pass other parameters in the reference that affect the output (see the documentation).
Therefore, we can replace the link given above with one of the following, or combine the parameters as you need. */
/* We need to initiate a request to the server. We use the cURL library (supplied as part of PHP). Learn more about working with this
library you can read in the manual. */
$curl=curl_init(); #We save the cURL session handle
#Set the necessary options for the cURL session
curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE,dirname(__FILE__).'/cookie.txt'); #PHP>5.3.6 dirname(__FILE__) -> __DIR__
curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR,dirname(__FILE__).'/cookie.txt'); #PHP>5.3.6 dirname(__FILE__) -> __DIR__
Выполняем запрос к серверу.
$out=curl_exec($curl); #Initiate a request to the API and save the response to a variable
/* Now we can process the response received from the server. This is an example. You can process the data in your own way. */
301=>'Moved permanently',
400=>'Bad request',
404=>'Not found',
500=>'Internal server error',
502=>'Bad gateway',
503=>'Service unavailable'
#If the response code is not 200 or 204, we return an error message
if($code!=200 && $code!=204)
throw new Exception(isset($errors[$code]) ? $errors[$code] : 'Undescribed error',$code);
catch(Exception $E)
die('Error: '.$E->getMessage().PHP_EOL.'Error code: '.$E->getCode());
The data is obtained in the JSON format, therefore, in order to obtain readable data,
We will have to translate the answer into a format that PHP understands