Sending or withdrawing a reaction

POST /v2/origin/custom/{scope_id}/react


The method allows you to send or remove a reaction from a specific message.


Requires Date, Content-Type, Content-MD5, X-Signature headers

Request header

Content-Type: application/json
Date: current time in RFC 2822 format (for example: Mon, 03 Oct 2020 15:11:21 +0000)
Content-MD5: md5 hash of the request body
X-Signature: HMAC-SHA1 code with a channel secret key

Body parameters

Parameter Data type Description
conversation_id string Chat ID on the integration side
id string Message ID on the Kommo side. The field is required if the msgid field is not passed
msgid string Message ID on the integration side. The field is required if the id field is not passed
user[id] string ID of the user who has sent/removed the reaction on the integration side
user[ref_id] string ID of the user who has sent/removed the reaction on the Kommo side. Required field when entering a reaction by the user of Kommo
type string Action type: react, unreact
emoji string Required field for the “react” type

Request example

  "conversation_id": "my_integration-8e3e7640-49af-4448-a2c6-d5a421f7f217",
  "msgid": "fbd27636-0c4b-11ea-8d71-362b9e155667",
  "user": {
    "id": "my_int-1376265f-86df-4c49-a0c3-a4816df41af8"
  "type": "react",
  "emoji": "😍"

Data type header on success

Content-Type: application/json

Data type header on error

Content-Type: application/json

HTTP response codes

Response code Condition
200 Reaction is accepted for the processing
404 Message doesn’t exist
403 The request signature is incorrect
400 Incorrect data transmitted. Details are available in the response body

Example of the response

If the information is successfully received, the method does not return a response.

Example of request implementation


$secret = '5a44c5dff55f3c15a4cce8d7c4cc27e207c7e189';
$method = 'POST';
$contentType = 'application/json';
$date = date(DateTimeInterface::RFC2822);
$path = '/v2/origin/custom/344a5002-f8ca-454d-af3d-396180102ac7_52e591f7-c98f-4255-8495-827210138c81/079e44fb-fc22-476b-9e8a-421b688ec53b/react';

$url = "" . $path;

$body = [
    'msgid' => '079e44fb-fc22-476b-9e8a-421b688ec53b',
    'user' => [
      'id' => 'my_int-1376265f-86df-4c49-a0c3-a4816df41af8',
    'type' => 'react',
    'emoji' => '😍'

$requestBody = json_encode($body);
$checkSum = md5($requestBody);

$str = implode("\n", [

$signature = hash_hmac('sha1', $str, $secret);

$headers = [
    'Date' => $date,
    'Content-Type' => $contentType,
    'Content-MD5' => strtolower($checkSum),
    'X-Signature' => strtolower($signature),

$curlHeaders = [];
foreach ($headers as $name => $value) {
    $curlHeaders[] = $name . ": " . $value;

echo $method . ' ' . $url . PHP_EOL;
foreach ($curlHeaders as $header) {
    echo $header . PHP_EOL;
echo PHP_EOL . $requestBody . PHP_EOL;

$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($curl, [
    CURLOPT_URL => $url,
    CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $requestBody,
    CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => $curlHeaders,

$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);
$info = curl_getinfo($curl);
if ($err) {
    $result = "cURL Error #:" . $err;
    echo $result;
} else {
    echo "Status: " . $info['http_code'] . PHP_EOL;
    echo $response . PHP_EOL;