How to increase ecommerce sales: 7 Tactics

April 4, 2022

7 min.

With the digitalization of business, many entrepreneurs are using online marketplaces eCommerce website builder, so knowing how to increase ecommerce sales is really important. The volume of your eCommerce sales is not just proof of concept for your business, but a reflection of how successful your marketing tactics are.

Every business owner’s goal is to yield bountiful fruits of their labor 💪. If you have already set up your online store and are creating an attractive website, it could be discouraging if your sales don’t grow.

We’ve put together a list of >seven effective and sustainable marketing strategies to help you increase eCommerce sales 🚀. Whether you sell through an independent website or on Amazon, these highly effective methods will surely be worth the effort.

How to increase ecommerce sales

If you simply don't know the best way to increase eCommerce sales, you’ll be happy to learn that it doesn’t take much to do. With just a bit of strategy, your sales numbers will increase in no time ⏳!

It's important to understand that there are many ecommerce sales strategies, and will depend if you are selling through your own site, social media or a marketplace like Amazon or eBay.

Leverage Different Types of Email Campaigns

There has been a significant shift towards social media marketing, but email campaigns continue to be the most effective marketing method today. It leads to the highest return on investment (ROI), and you can get as much as $42 back for every dollar spent 🏅.

So, to better understand how to increase ecommerce sales, learning email marketing is essential. This is because email campaigns can be highly personalized for your target audience. You can communicate directly with people who have intentionally signed up to engage with your content and send offers they are likely to avail of 🤝.

Successfully leveraging different email campaigns can make your business skyrocket. Here are a few options:

  • Welcome Emails - These generate five times more clicks than regular marketing emails and can make engagement soar!
  • Promotional Emails - These include emails for seasonal sales and holiday events, as well as special coupon codes for loyal customers.
  • Abandoned Cart Emails - These reminder emails remind potential customers of the products they haven’t checked out yet.

📚 Email is a powerful tool to increase your ecommerce sales. If you want to know more, check our article 9 effective ways to grow your email list.

📚Recommended reading: Sales automation in 5 steps with Kommo

Segment Your Customer Base

It’s important to segment your customer base to ⚡. You can successfully target your audience by creating customer profiles and categorizing them based on:

  • Age
  • Location
  • Gender
  • Behavior

And more. These demographics can help you understand which niche audience you can appeal to with targeted paid ads.

Aside from targeted advertisements, you can use remarketing or retargeting ads to generate sales. You must use relevant hashtags, keywords, and optimized content for effective target marketing.

📚 The process of increasing your ecommerce sales involves integrating marketing and sales. To know more, check our article How sales and marketing can work together – joining forces to boost results.

Use Data Analysis To Improve Your Strategy

Most eCommerce business owners make the mistake of using just 0.5% of the data available to them 😱, . Ecommerce data can be leveraged in many different ways, such as:

  • Understanding your customers to optimize marketing efforts
  • Gaining insights into the extent of your brand awareness
  • Analyzing statistical evidence of your product views, clicks, past purchases, customer retention, etc.
  • Developing and choosing products that will generate long-term revenue
  • Shifting your pricing to maximize profits and minimize customer acquisition costs

Data analysis can point you towards which products are performing well, what demographic of customers is more lucrative, and other beneficial insights 💭.

You can also use data to keep track of the market at large and not just your individual business. 👉 For example, it’s . To do so, you can take product ideas from the biggest marketplace, Amazon. To enhance your data-driven decision-making process, consider incorporating tools like the WP Quiz plugin. This plugin allows you to create engaging quizzes and surveys, gathering valuable information directly from your audience

You can leverage this information to develop effective strategies toboost your Amazon sales and grow your business. 😄

📚 Using data is very important, since allows you to better understand your customer. To know more, check our article 5 tried & tested techniques to find out what your customers really want.

How to grow ecommerce sales offering Exclusive Discounts

Exclusive discounts are great ways to 🚀. When you consider the lifetime value of a customer over the cost/benefit ratio of a single transaction, exclusive discounts prove to be worth the slightly lower profit margin.

A study suggests that 77% of consumers are influenced by discounts when selecting a store to shop at. This can be used to your advantage.

Here are some tips on how to grow ecommerce sales using exclusive discounts.

  • Special occasions and seasonal sales
  • Loyalty discounts for returning customers
  • Limited period coupon codes
  • Gift cards during special holidays
  • Referral codes
  • End of season sales
  • Incentives such as credits for reviews
  • First purchase anniversary and birthday codes
  • Freebies and add-ons during special seasons

Use Email Automation on your Ecommerce sales strategies

Automation in the world of marketing has grown by leaps and bounds, and it can easily be leveraged by savvy eCommerce businesses.

In particular, email automation can have a great impact on sales. You can use emails as follow-ups with potential and loyal customers. Email automation is beneficial when used for:

  • Welcome Emails - Greet new customers with well-calibrated, effective emails to make a good impression. You can also generate a QR code linking to your product page and place it in your email, so that it's easy for them to get started
  • Post-purchase Emails - Your simple “Thank you for your purchase!” email should include suggestions for related products.
  • Order Details - Order confirmation, tracking, and delivery details, as well as emails requesting a review upon completion of an order must be automated.
  • Follow-up Emails - If a customer hasn’t purchased again or has abandoned their cart, automated email reminders are the way to grab their attention.

📊. Consistent communication can boost customer satisfaction, which is always great for sales.

📚 Automation is an excellent strategy to have more results on less time. To learn more, check our article 10 valuable use cases for customer service automation.

Provide Excellent Customer Service To Improve Customer Loyalty

It can be immensely frustrating for customers to run into issues and not get the help they need 🤔This can lead to disappointment and loss of business, as the customer will definitely prefer a store or brand that has their best interests in mind. This is why you should do your best to assist your customers through various channels. You can even invest in mobile app development to provide a convenient and user-friendly platform for customers to engage with your brand.

Lack of proper customer service is why three out of five customers do not complete their purchases 😳. So, to ensure that you retain your customers and develop brand loyalty, you must give your customers a great experience.

You can do so through the following:

  • Simple return policies - Between 15% to 30% of online purchases are returned, so your return policy must be smooth and simple if you want customers to come back.
  • A personal experience - More than 70% of Americans expect personalization from online businesses.

Use Video Product Demonstrations

Video marketing is the future of marketing, especially in live commerce and you can make the most of it by creating and showcasing many types of video content like live video demonstrations, all thanks to an incredible and easily accessible online video maker. An AI video generator can help create a variety of video content efficiently, maximizing your reach and engagement in live commerce.

Videos can help them evaluate your product, and will be more convincing than static images and text for driving sales. It will be even more appealing if your video channel has a unique banner which can be easily created by a YouTube banner maker.

Additionally, if you show your product functionality through video demonstrations and tutorials, customers will develop trust in your brand 🏅. Customer trust is an important element for long-term revenue.

Kommo, a huge ally to increase ecommerce sales

We saw many strategies about how to grow ecommerce sales, and all of them are very useful. But a powerful ally to boost those strategies results is a CRM system. CRM is an abbreviation of Customer Success Management, a software used to manage your clients, visitors and leads and to set up the best strategies for them. With this kind of tool, you can see a relevant difference in your sales results 🚀.

If you want to boost your online sales, you must use a CRM, otherwise, your competitors will be one step ahead of you. When choosing the best CRM for you business, Kommo for sure will help you a lot, it has many features to increase your ecommerce sales, like:

  • A digital pipeline to manage each step of the customer journey
  • Email marketing automation
  • Integration with WhatsApp Business and Social media
  • Personalized chat button to your site, that sends the leads data automatically to the CRM
  • Integration with webforms on the site and in Landing Pages

If you want, you can make a free trial of Kommo.


How to increase ecommerce sales is a 1 million dollars question, since every digital entrepreneur needs to know those strategies. There are many effective ecommerce sales strategies, depending on how much time, effort, and money you can put into it. We’ve covered some basic tactics that don’t require too much investment, but can still generate a significant return.

If you follow these methods, you’ll be sure to see their effect on your sales volume in no time!

Make a personal sale with Kommo

Kommo is a pioneering Messenger Based Sales CRM software that helps businesses achieve more sales and create long-lasting relationships with their customers. It is a tool that enables companies to reach better results and increase their profits.

AMZScout Amazon Expert Team

This article was written by the AMZScout Amazon Expert Team. AMZScout is one of the top Amazon research tools and has been in the field for more than four years now. Our mission is to help sellers achieve success on Amazon.

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