WhatsApp Lead Generation with Kommo

How to Add WhatsApp Link for Facebook: Step-by-step guide

November 28, 2022

6 min.

‼️📣 Important Message Starting mid-October 2022, amoCRM becomes Kommo.🥳

Conversational commerce is becoming one of the top ways to connect with your customer and provide them with the best customer experience. And while Facebook Business Page allows you to showcase your product in unique ways, unfortunately, it is less effective when it comes to communicating with your customers.

For this reason, businesses choose to redirect their leads to WhatsApp. 💡

WhatsApp is perfect for:

  • answering questions
  • turning leads into paying customers
  • and providing personalized customer service

To integrate both Facebook and WhatsApp, all you will have to do is use a WhatsApp link for Facebook!

In this article, we'll walk you through:


WhatsApp Link for Facebook at a Glance

It’s easier than it looks. A WhatsApp link for Facebook directs your Facebook page visitors to a WhatsApp chat with your business. The link can take a form of an action button or a URL starting with wa.me as shown below👇

When your potential lead clicks your WhatsApp link for Facebook, the link will immediately redirect them to your business' WhatsApp chat.

⚠️ Please note: a WhatsApp link for Facebook only works on devices with WhatsApp installed.

Why you should use WhatsApp link for Facebook

Customers have no room left for friction, you have to respond to them instantaneously, or you will lose them to your competitor.

Messengers have some definite advantages when it comes to communication. There you can:

✅ Attach all the necessary documentation

✅ Add multimedia files

✅ Send a long text message

✅ Contact leads by video or audio call

✅ Automate communications process

WhatsApp has many advantages. If you get a WhatsApp Business platform, for example, you will be able to:

✅ Provide business information (office hours, website, Instagram, and so on)

✅ Add products to the catalog (upload their photos, prices, and descriptions)

✅ Add templates to answer frequently asked questions

✅ Label messages to speed up the search process

With WhatsApp, you can get a lead's contact information in just one click, significantly saving time and effort for you and your customer. 💪

👉 Check out our WhatsApp Business Guide

3 Ways to Add WhatsApp to Facebook

To start getting WhatsApp leads from Facebook, here’s what you will have to:

⚙️Connect Whatsapp to Facebook, you'll need to have:

  • Create Facebook business page
  • Create Whatsapp business account

There are three ways to set up a WhatsApp link for Facebook:

  1. Add a WhatsApp action button to the Facebook page
  2. Add a WhatsApp link to a regular Facebook Post
  3. Boost a post or Run Ads with the WhatsApp Action button

Below, we'll walk you through each method in more detail.

How to add a WhatsApp action button to your Facebook business page

  1. Open the WhatsApp Business app
  2. On tap Settings
  3. Tap Business tools > Facebook & Instagram
  4. Tap Facebook > CONTINUE (this will open the Facebook login page)
  5. Enter the login information for your Facebook account. Tap Log In
  6. Select the Facebook Page you want to link to your WhatsApp Business account Tap Connect WhatsApp

Ta-dah 🎉 You should now see a WhatsApp button on your Facebook page.

How to share your Whatsapp link for Facebook in a post

First of all, to share your WhatsApp link in a Facebook post, you'll need a ready-made WhatsApp link. 🔗

In case you don't have it yet, you can use our easy WhatsApp link generator.

👉 Check out our complete guide to learn more about WhatsApp link.

Once you create your WhatsApp link:

  • Go to Facebook and create a post
  • Paste your WhatsApp link in the post description
  • Select your audience before publishing
  • Hit Publish, and now you are set. Your WhatsApp link is posted. 🥳

Run Ads with WhatsApp

Another great way to generate WhatsApp leads with Facebook is by boosting posts or running ads via Ads Manager.

  1. How to Boost a Post on Facebook

You can easily promote a post on your Facebook page. Here’s how to do it:

  • On your Facebook page, select the post you want to promote and click on the 'Boost Post' button.
  • Next, go to the menu on the left. You will see the Posts button, click on it and select 'Send WhatsApp Message.' This will add a Call to Action to your post. You can see a preview of the ad you want to promote on the right side.
  • Then, add other parameters such as your target audience that you would like to reach, duration, and budget.
  • Finally, click Boost to run your ad.

Most importantly, your boosted post ad will have a WhatsApp button that Facebook visitors and potential clients can use to start a conversation with your business. 🤩

  1. Running WhatsApp Ads via Ads Manager

The second option is to create ads with AI in your Facebook Ads Manager:

  • Go to a Facebook business page and click Publishing Tools in the Meta Business Suite

  • Select All tools and then Ads Manager

  • Next, go to the 'Campaigns' tab, and choose 'Create'

  • Under 'Create New Campaign choose an Objective for your campaign. (Note: You can add your WhatsApp action button only to the ads with traffic, conversions, messages, brand awareness, reach, engagement, and video views)

  • Add the budget for your campaign and click 'Continue'.

The next step in the process depends on the Objective you have chosen:

🎯 If your Objective is traffic, conversion, or messages:

  • Go to 'Create Ad Set' in the left menu and then choose WhatsApp.
  • Click Confirm.

🎯If your Objective is reach, engagement, brand awareness or video views:

  • Go to 'Text & Links' under 'Ad'.
  • Add a website URL, which will redirect you to add a Call to Action (CTA) button.
  • Choose 'Send WhatsApp Message'
  • Select other parameters such as audience, placement and duration.
  • Click 'Confirm' to publish the Ad.

Now potential customers can start a WhatsApp chat with your business with just a click of the button. 🙌

Use Kommo’s free WhatsApp link generator to get more incoming WhatsApp conversations.

Managing your WhatsApp leads in Kommo

Once you add your WhatsApp link to your Facebook, your WhatsApp will start getting overloaded with leads, so you’ll have to figure out a way to manage them correctly.

That’s when Kommo will save the day! 😎

Integrating Kommo with your WhatsApp will allow you to automate the communication process. It’s perfect for situations when a potential lead, for instance, sends you a message in the WhatsApp chat after they follow your WhatsApp link in a Facebook post or WhatsApp ad.

When they hit the Send button, a notification with the lead data is sent directly to your sales pipeline in Kommo. Once this happens, Kommo automatically creates a lead card for each lead and uses it to store every interaction you have with your WhatsApp leads.

Here’s what you’ll see in your lead card:

🙋‍♀️ Full name

☎️ Phone number

💬 Message

But that's not all…

With Kommo’s visual builder, you can also create a WhatsApp chatbot, or what we call it - a Salesbot ('cause they are meant to sell, not just chat 😉), to further reduce manual input and keep your WhatsApp leads engaged 24/7.

Here’s what the salesbot can do:

🤖 Collect lead data

🤖 Answer FAQ

🤖 Process orders

🤖 Make appointments

🤖 Send marketing campaigns

Though it might look like rocket science, Kommo made sure that making a chatbot is extremely easy for you. You won’t even need any programming skills to build one.😮‍💨

A few simple actions and you get yourself a personal AI business helper that can take over the bulk of your routine work with minimal expenses. 😉

A chatbot can reduce operating cost by up to 30%. Chatbots Magazine

Your little chatbot assistant can automatically move your WhatsApp leads across different sales pipeline stages, making the journey to purchase seamless for everyone, bringing you warm leads without any need for human intervention.

don't worry; our chatbot will always know when to ask a human for help.

imagine how much time and money it will save you. 🤑

👉 Learn more about how to create a WhatsApp chatbot in Kommo.

And that’s only the beginning! 😏

You can continue automating the process of gathering your WhatsApp leads from Facebook even after a human takes over with the help of premade chat templates.

The templates will allow your sales team to save time on responding to FAQs and popular queries, including invoices and confirmation messages.

When the conversation with the lead on WhatsApp comes to an end, your sales rep can note down the key points of the dialogue and set a task to follow up with the lead the next day.

This way, no matter who is handling the lead the next time, they will always be up to date with what’s going on.😎

How our team can help

Getting started with WhatsApp marketing can get quite overwhelming. Using a WhatsApp link for Facebook is just one of the ways you can use the messenger to capture new contacts. 🤔

If you want to learn about other ways you can use a WhatsApp link to boost your sales using Kommo 📈, our team is always happy to help.

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