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6 sales process improvements to help you make calls that seal the deal

October 30, 2020

5 min.

Did you know that 80% of sales require five follow-up phone calls after the meeting? Companies are taking extensive measures to nurture leads and educate them about their products and services. Moreover, organizations are revamping their sales processes to learn and grow with the increasing and changing customer demands. Here are some sales process improvements that can help you make sales calls that get more customers.

1. Organize your sales process as an organization

The first step is to develop a thorough understanding of your sales processes. This includes:

  • Generating leads
  • Sending proposals
  • Negotiating
  • Sales confirmation
  • Delivery

Setting up the right process will help you identify the right leads and get the correct information. The next thing is to focus solely on quality and not just on numbers. Now, you would wonder, “isn't' sales all about numbers?”

However, narrowing down to the right set of prospective clients will improve your conversion rates. Moreover, having a process in place would enable you to gauge a prospective customer's needs, challenges, and how they quantify ROI. Sales teams are 33% more likely to prioritize leads based on data analysis rather than intuition. Data insights are emerging as the favorite weapon for many sales teams.

You can also choose to conduct a role-play session with your team and enact how you would talk to your clients and address the challenges faced. This would lead to increased effectiveness owing to the practical on-ground experience gathered through these activities. Thus, having the right process is one of the most important sales process improvements organizations must make.

2. Set KPIs

Writing down your sales activities and related details can help you effectively track prospects as you move from one step to the next. This will help you measure the leads that successfully move through your pipeline. Moreover, it will help you understand how long it takes to complete a sale on average from start to finish.

Another essential thing to do is to measure your service turnaround time. For example, if the sales team projects the TAT (Turn Around Time) of two days to turn in a quote, while the effective time invested is 15 days, then there is an issue that needs to be fixed. Before calling your leads, it is critical to determine the purpose of your call. Using sales script templates can help you organize your thoughts and keep the conversation flowing smoothly. The aim should be to build a rapport and not just sell your product or service.

Furthermore, writing down your process will help you use the right tricks to keep your prospects engaged and encourage them to open up. Thus, setting KPIs is one of the very critical sales process improvements you must make. As per a survey, successful sales calls that moved forward to the second meeting were approximately 7.5 minutes long. As a thumb rule, the sales representatives should focus more on listening and learning rather than just talking.

3. Regularly review sales data

One of the major sales process improvements you can make is to leave an effective voicemail. Well, not every first call is successful. While it is essential to learn how to leave an effective voicemail, it is equally essential to follow up. Now, surely it sounds obvious, but many sales representatives do not follow up.

Moreover, regularly reviewing sales data and holding sales meetings is a great way to determine new pipeline opportunities and how leads are moving through the process. Using these insights will help sales executives address their shortcomings and get new ideas to deal with customers.

Having data will give you clarity and purpose at the sales management level. Collecting data and managing it is a habit you need to stick to. Else, it would be tough to measure your sales growth or improvement. Else, it would be tough to measure how your sales are going.

4. Centralize client contact information

If you have not centralized your client and contact information, doing it could be one of your organization's major sales process improvements.

While a simple spreadsheet did the job in the initial stages, in the current technologically advancing scenario, you will need to invest in customer relationship management software (CRM). Presently, only 49% of businesses have fully integrated systems. Moreover, high-performing sales teams are 2x more likely to have these systems in place.

A good CRM system will help you store all your contact information in one place, allows easy communication with your team, automates tracking of KPIs, and manages your tasks easily. With simpler processes, your sales representatives can focus on developing skills and not worry about missed tasks and following up with clients. Thus, helping them make sales calls that will get customers.

5. Forecast sales

Measuring your conversion rate at every step is one of the important sales process improvements you should consider making. You can consider your sales process to be a funnel or a pipeline.

For example, it is easy to calculate your conversion rate if you talk to 100 people and believe that you can close the deal with 20 of them. However, you need to keep doing the Math and measure all the parameters. However, this will keep you engaged in calculations around your conversion rate.

Another trick is to think of your sales funnel as a reverse pyramid. If 50% of your leads move to the quote stage, 20% move to the negotiations stage, and 30% close, then you know that you need to talk to 1000 leads to sell 30 units. Having such a funnel will help your sales executives get much clarity and make sales calls with the utmost focus and get more clients.

6. Increase sales

Now that you have made the major share of sales process improvements, it is time to tweak your sales script, think of some exciting offers and plan how to increase your sales. You can consider offering discounts for larger orders, upselling and cross-selling items, and even offer free shipping for orders.

Moreover, you can tweak your sales script, provide additional training to your sales staff, and create more appealing offers. Making these sales process improvements can help your company achieve a streamlined sales process. Moreover, these changes will help your sales executives build the right skills, develop the right mindset, learn new tricks, and have an organized system at their disposal.

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Supriya Saxena

A voracious reader and keen writer, Supriya loves to play with her words and explore the realm of technology.

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