CRM for Partner Relationship Management

Growing a Partner Network 2x with RingCentral SMS







Features used

RingCentral SMS, Salesbot, Team Messaging

Kommo Plan


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Interview with Alexandra Najaryan, Head of Expert Partner Program at amoCRM

// TL;DR

After adopting a CRM for partner relationship management, Alexandra Najaryan — Head of Expert Partners Program at amoCRM, doubled partnership network in just 8 months.


In October 2019, Alexandra Najaryan launched the amoCRM Expert Partners program. The new project aimed to give entrepreneurs, consultants, marketers, and system integrators the chance to kickstart the launch of their own businesses. It was a perfect win-win: partners would spread the word about amoCRM and earn a 35% commission for each sale they made.

Alexandra’s initial team included only her and one other employee. “We had incredibly limited resources,” she chuckles, “We were doing everything ourselves — strategy, marketing, sales, support, design... even a little coding!”

The challenge

The team’s first goal was to lay out a roadmap to generate, train, and work with partners. Using Kommo for partner relationship management was a no-brainer, but they knew they’d need to automate communication to scale heavily.

“We wanted an expansion of the program. We wanted more partners and a bigger network.”

In those early days, the communication was all over the place. Interactions were sporadic and spread across multiple channels: Skype group messages, Facebook chats, and emails.

“Not only do you lose time when you switch from one channel to another,” she says, “it’s totally demotivating… your gears are constantly spinning, but you’re getting less done.”

Growing Partner Networks twice as fast with a CRM for partner relationship management

Alexandra already knew she wanted a mainly messenger-based communication strategy. But many things can go wrong when you put theory to practice out in the wild. The first big lesson Alexandra learned: don’t assume you know where people like to talk.

Initially, she relied on Skype for calling and chatting with partners. She quickly realized, though, that this channel had long lost its popularity in the US, where most of her partners lived. Instead, American partners now preferred text messaging above all other channels.

“SMS was definitely a blindspot for us — we assumed everyone was chatting on free tools like WhatsApp or Skype instead of text messaging,” she recalls.

Fortunately, Kommo’s unified inbox includes SMS, so Alexandra decided to try out RingCentral SMS Text Messaging.

RingCentral SMS is an integration that lets you capture new leads from text messages, chat with them in the lead profile, and automate message sending with Kommo’s Salesbot. Find out more about RingCentral SMS >

Using Kommo with RingCentral to win new partners

Alexandra explains that partner relationship management is similar to managing relationships with customers — the ultimate goal is to complete all the steps to win them over.

“They need to be nurtured,” she explains, “Even if potential partners are incredibly interested, life gets in the way, so you need to gently guide them along.”

She saw this clearly in the certification process: many people apply for partnerships, but only a fraction were studying for and passing the exams to become official partners.

To overcome this, she decided to introduce SMS as a follow-up strategy.

“We were already sending emails, but it wasn’t really working. It was time to try something new.”

Step 1. Planning the SMS follow-up strategy

Alexandra started by identifying and tracking each potential partner’s progress. Based on their progress, she wanted to send personalized messages to congratulate, encourage, or guide them on what to do next.

She broke it down into the following stages in her pipeline:

  • Registered - They filled out the application form.
  • Qualified - They have completed their partner profiles.
  • Started training - They marked at least 2 partner training lessons complete
  • Started training - They marked at least 2 partner training lessons complete.
  • Tried to pass certification - They took the exam but did not succeed.
  • Certified - They took the exam and passed.
RingCentral SMS follow up strategy

Alexandra started by mapping out her pipeline communication strategy in Google Sheets


While planning her pipeline, Alexandra also needed to consider the timing. She knew some partners would plow through all the stages in hours while others would get stuck at particular steps. Although only a fraction of the leads would end up lingering in a stage long enough to be sent a 3rd, 4th, or even 5th SMS, she still needed to make those messages count.


Before churning out all the texts, Alexandra needed to set some ground rules, so she devised the following guidelines for her strategy:

  • Frequency: No more than 6 text messages per month.
  • SMS style: Using emojis and conversational language.
  • CTA: Each stage had its sequence of messages with a clear call to action for moving to the next stage.
  • Value: Every message sent had to be worthy of its role as a push notification.
RingCentral text message sent to Kommo partner

Every message needed value, such as offering materials to study better

Step 2. Automating SMS with Salesbot

Once all the text messages were written, they were added to the CRM. The visual bot builder made it easy for Alexandra to automate her RingCentral SMS follow-ups. She added messages and selected triggers to launch Salesbot into action, such as executing Salesbot when leads are still in a specific pipeline stage for over 7 days.

RingCentral text message sent to Kommo partner

Step 3. Making the conversation human

Although Salesbots are good at automating conversations, human interaction is still necessary because partners have many questions to ask before getting certified. This is why Alexandra subscribed her team to SMS notifications. That way, if a potential partner replied asking for help, someone could jump in and start chatting. From there, it was much easier to help partners pass the test by providing answers to any questions they had.

Texting with partners in Kommo

Step 4. Backing up SMS with emails

Even though SMS proves to be one of the most convenient communication channels, Alexandra couldn’t ignore the fact that some potential partners still preferred emails. After all, one of the driving philosophies of messenger-based sales is to interact with your customers (or, in this case, partners) on their terms.

Automated email follow-ups in Kommo

For this reason, she also made a follow-up sequence via email:

Results Round-Up:

Building the program from the ground up, the team relied on a messenger-based strategy with RingCentral SMS as its core tool for partner relationship management. Within 3 months, the two-person partnership team achieved:

  • 2x increase in certified partners.
  • 34% increase in response rate.
RingCentral SMS analytics in Kommo

“Leads move and are being followed up automatically.”

Alexandra said they’ve accomplished their goal to expand the partner network: “With a CRM for partner relationship management, the whole certification process has been sped up dramatically, and our conversion rate is way higher. Leads are followed up automatically with personalized text messages that just work.”

“With a CRM for partner relationship management, the whole certification process has been sped up dramatically, and our conversion rate is way higher.”

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