Using WhatsApp for Business

Benefits of WhatsApp Business

July 31, 2020

5 min.

People today love communicating through messengers and phone calls have become somewhat rare. So much so, when I receive that one call per month I get startled. (Phone ringing) Me: What is happening? 🤪

WhatsApp is the world’s most popular messenger with more than 1.5 billion users worldwide (we’ve all heard of it I am sure). They noticed an emerging trend of companies using WhatsApp to communicate with customers directly and created WhatsApp Business, an App specifically designed for businesses.

In this article we will take a look at the benefits of WhatsApp Business and the ways it will help you create a modern, efficient communication with your customers.

You’ll learn: 👇

What is WhatsApp Business?

WhatsApp Business is a free app for companies which helps them get a business presence on the biggest messenger in the world. The app lets you communicate with customers through instant text messaging which has a far higher response rate than traditional methods of communication.

The app is designed for micro and small businesses. It comes equipped with automations, tools to sort customers and effectively respond to messages. In general it is very similar in almost all aspects as the standard WhatsApp which we all know and love.

💬 WhatsApp Business can be downloaded for free on the Google Play and Apple Store.

Benefits of WhatsApp Business App

The benefits of WhatsApp Business for companies are numerous, here are some of the most important benefits of WhatsApp Business we discovered: 👇

WhatsApp Free Business App

One of the most amazing things about WhatsApp Business App is that it is completely free. 🥰 You won’t have to spend a dime on it. On the contrary, with the increased efficiency and additional communication channel, you will be able to get closer to your customers and earn more.

WhatsApp Business profile

Unlike the standard WhatsApp where you can only use a profile picture and name, in WhatsApp Business you can create a company profile which features:

  • Cover photo
  • Area of work
  • Description
  • Location
  • Working hours
  • Link to your website
  • Product catalog

The enhanced profile will help you present your company directly in WhatsApp and it can be a good place to showcase how cool your company is. Your presence in WhatsApp signifies you are a modern business open to a direct and personal communication with their customers. 🙋‍♂️

Personal and Business chats are separated

You’ll no longer experience the mess of having your personal and business communication in one place. Now regular WhatsApp can remain as an app for chats with family and friends, while WhatsApp Business is where you chat with your current and potential customers.

Messaging automations and tools

WhatsApp has the following automations:

  • WhatsApp Away message automatically responds to customers if they write to you in a period you have marked as unavailable.
  • WhatsApp Greeting message as the name states, greets your customers when they initiate the conversation and write to you.
  • WhatsApp Quick replies lets you create templates which you can use while chatting. These are common answers or phrases which you will be able to access and send out by entering the / symbol in the chat.
  • WhatsApp labels structure and visually mark your customers according to labels you create. It helps you understand the current communication stage of each customer. For example it could be ‘New customer’ or ‘Invoice sent’.

Their main benefit is a faster response rate and they’ll save your time when you have to respond to multiple customers. 🏃‍♂️

Automations in WhatsApp Business chat

Automations in WhatsApp Business chat

Secure end to end encryption

WhatsApp is famous for being secure with its end to end encryption. This means that only you and your customer can read the messages sent through the app. There are no uninvited eyes looking into it. 🕵️‍♂️

Channel for sales, marketing and support

With WhatsApp Business you will get a new communication channel where you are able to do:

  • Sales from the first point of contact up until an invoice sent and a completed payment
  • Marketing using broadcast and groups as well as media such as videos, pictures and gifs.
  • Support in WhatsApp is fast and convenient and customers prefer it compared to writing an email or calling the company.

💬 Learn more about WhatsApp Broadcast vs Groups.

Check out one example of a company in India which uses WhatsApp as the main source of communication with customers 👇

WhatsApp Business App Limitations

Nothing is perfect I guess 🤔 One limitation you have to have in mind is that the WhatsApp Business App account can only be connected to one phone number and smartphone. It was designed for local businesses in mind and you cannot use WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business with the same number.

For big companies and teams it will be inconvenient to use a single phone to respond to messages. That’s why WhatsApp created a solution for bigger teams as well. 👇

Benefits of WhatsApp Business API

WhatsApp Business has 2 versions. WhatsApp Business App is the free one made for micro and small businesses we talked about in the text above 👆

WhatsApp Business API is designed for medium and large companies which communicate with many customers in a single day. This version doesn’t have a standard interface and it is connected to software solutions which can support it.

The API is a paid solution offering great customization options and an ability to have a whole team respond to messages in a single WhatsApp Business account.

It offers benefits such as:

  • The account can be used by the whole team on multiple devices.
  • Can be connected to a CRM (WhatsApp conversations show up and can be responded to in the CRM).
  • Highly customizable depending on the company needs.
  • Track team performance.
  • Chatbot automation of WhatsApp chats.

💬 Check out how to turn WhatsApp Business API in a reliable sales and customer support weapon using the #1 WhatsApp CRM.

Please note: The WhatsApp Business API integration is no longer available. From now on, please use the WhatsApp Cloud API integration.

Benefits of WhatsApp Cloud API

With the launch of the Meta-hosted WhatsApp Cloud API, WhatsApp created opportunities for business. Medium and big enterprises can use Meta's cloud-hosted version of WhatsApp to communicate with clients through the WhatsApp Cloud API. Numerous functionalities provided by WhatsApp Cloud API enable companies to interact and communicate with their clients.

Let's now examine the benefits of the WhatsApp Cloud API 👇

The primary features of the WhatsApp Cloud API are the same for all solution providers, while the functionality of your API may change depending on the BSP or CMM that you select.

Wrap up

WhatsApp Business is a great opportunity for companies big and small. The benefits of WhatsApp Business will help you achieve more sales, promote your business on the most popular messenger in the world and create an efficient 5-star customer experience. ⭐

Check out the rest of our blog for many useful articles on using WhatsApp for business.

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