Mailchimp: add your leads to Mailchimp mailing list

September 26, 2019

Mailchimp is an email marketing platform, built with simplicity and ease of use in mind. The Mailchimp integration adds valuable features to your account, allowing you to subscribe leads to email campaigns with a single click, update email lists in bulk, and automatically subscribe leads to campaigns based on triggers (available only in the Advanced plan).

If you don’t have a Mailchimp account yet, you can create it easily.

In this article, you’ll learn:

How to integrate Mailchimp with Kommo

To integrate Mailchimp to the CRM integration, you’ll need to:

  1. Go to Settings > Integration and find the Mailchimp widget.

  1. Find the Mailchimp widget, and check the box to accept Kommo’s privacy policy and gain access to your account. After that, click Install.

  1. Once installed, click Sign in to connect to your Mailchimp account.

  1. You’ll be directed to the Mailchimp website to log in. Fill out your account info and then click Log In.

  1. After that, you will be asked to authorize Kommo to integrate with your Mailchimp account. Click Allow.

  1. After being redirected to Kommo, you can see that your Mailchimp account has now been integrated into Kommo.

How to use Mailchimp in Kommo

You have the option to manually add each contact to a mailing list or add them in bulk.

How to add a contact to a mailing list

To add a user to a mailing list manually, you need to:

  1. Open the lead card or the contact card of a lead. Then open the Mailchimp widget on the right side.

  1. Select the email and the mailing list in the widget, and then click Subscribe.

Once the contact is subscribed, you will see a notification in the event feed.

Note: You won’t be able to add a contact to a mailing list from the company card. Use the contact card or a lead card instead.

In Mailchimp, all subscribed contacts will be in the All Subscribers tab. Every lead that was automatically unsubscribed from the list will be in the All subscribers/unsubscribed tab.

Something went wrong and you can’t subscribe to the contact? Make sure to check the following:

  • Make sure your Mailchimp account is active and your email list limit is not reached.
  • Check the contact’s email and see if it’s entered correctly.

How to add contacts to a mailing list in bulk

You can add multiple contacts to a mailing list by using Multiple actions. To do that, you need to:

  1. Go to the List section > Contacts.

  1. Select the desired contacts by marking the checkboxes. Click the ...more button in the action panel and select Mailchimp.

  1. After that, all you need to do is choose the mailing list and hit the Subscribe button.

This is how it’s going to look like once it’s done.

How to automate Mailchimp with the Digital Pipeline

Tired of adding leads to your mailing list manually? You can automatically subscribe leads to a mailing list. Once the action is set up, transferring the lead to the designated pipeline stage will automatically subscribe the contact to the mailing list. Upon leaving that stage, the lead will be unsubscribed from the mailing list.

Note: This feature will only be available for Advanced Kommo users.

Integrating Mailchimp to the Digital Pipeline is different from adding it through Settings > Integrations. If you only log in through the Integrations section, you won’t be able to automatically add leads to the mailing list.If you want to automate the Mailchimp integration, you need to log in through the Digital Pipeline.

To automate Mailchimp with the Digital Pipeline, you need to:

  1. Go to Leads > Automate in your Kommo account.

  1. Click Add trigger on the desired lead stage.

  1. After that, click +Connect button on the Mailchimp widget.

  1. You will be directed to a new window to either login or create a new Mailchimp account.

Enter your Mailchimp account info and then click Log In.

  1. After you’re logged in, you will be asked to authorize your Mailchimp account to connect to Kommo. Click Allow.

  1. After that, click on the Add trigger again, find the Mailchimp widget, and click on the + Add button. The widget should now show the email used for the Mailchimp account.

  1. Select the action conditions and the mailing list. Unless you check the Apply only to the main contact checkbox, all contacts attached to the lead will be subscribed to the mailing list. When you’re done, set the trigger execution criteria and click Done and Save to run the automation.

To log your account out of Mailchimp in the Digital Pipeline, click on the Mailchimp action and then press on the logout button next to your account name.

Note: all mailing lists associated with Kommo will be deleted if you log out of your account.

How to manually unsubscribe a contact

When you want to unsubscribe a lead from a certain mailing list, you need to:

  1. Open a Lead card of the contact that subscribed to the mailing list. The Mailchimp widget (on the right) shows that the Contact in the Lead is subscribed to a mailing list. Click the Undo button to unsubscribe. The lead's email is no longer displayed as subscribed to the mailing list.

  1. Check if the data in the Mailchimp has been updated. From your Mailchimp account, go to Audience > All Contacts and then check if the contact is still there or not. If you search for the contact manually, it appears as archived.

If you need more help with setup or troubleshooting, feel free to reach out to our support chat or contact us via WhatsApp. You can also hire a Kommo partner to do all the hard work for you.

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