Native Advertising: A Quick Guide for Marketers

March 6, 2023

4 min.

With the advancement in digital advertising, marketers are looking for unique ways to use ads to build blind trust for their users. Native advertising is one of the most valuable ways to grab user attention by seamlessly fitting into the context of the webpage.

In this blog, we’ll learn what native advertising is, the difference between native and display ads, and great examples of native ads.

What is Native Advertising?

Native advertising is a type of paid advertising that blends perfectly well with the page’s content, format, design, and behavior. These ads are designed in such a way that they are not immediately recognizable as advertisements.

It has drawn criticism for its perceived 'trickery' in misleading users to engage with non-advert content. However, when used properly, native ads don't need to be disruptive or deceptive - they can blend seamlessly into everyday online experiences.

Native Advertising Statistics

Types Of Native Advertising

In-feed Ads

Readers can enjoy a variety of content within their favorite magazine, including both original articles and sponsored material from advertisers. The natural index ensures that any additional ads offered will be relevant to the existing in-feed native advertising.

These types of advertisements provide a seamless, natural experience for your users, blending in with the content and allowing them to engage without disruption. By collaborating with your digital advertising partners, you can strategically promote your brand on platforms like Facebook News Feed without impacting your brand identity.

Content Recommendation Ads

Recommendation Ads spice up articles, offering readers exciting and relevant content beyond the subject of what they're already reading. These ads, typically found on the web page or at the end of an article, make exploring new topics so much easier - a great way to get more out of the readers’ online experience.

Content recommendation engines are great for publishers and brands alike. They offer an opportunity to reach a wider audience, build relationships with existing readers, or capture leads through content marketing initiatives. Using the skills of a digital marketing agency can further enhance the effectiveness of content recommendation strategies, ensuring optimal reach and engagement across various platforms and channels. Advertisers must build relationships with strategic publishers to drive relevant traffic back to their own sites.

For instance, Protocol displayed the ad for RingCentral, known for making one-on-one video calls and providing a hybrid work solution that could change the face of work.

Search and Promoted Listing Ads

Native search ads are a great way to target your audience with relevant content. When someone searches for specific keywords, you can have the opportunity for your advertisement to appear among the top results - allowing potential customers to find out more about what you offer quickly and efficiently. You can use a keyword rank tracker to see the full picture of your site's visibility on various search engines.

Online shoppers have grown accustomed to seeing sponsored listings presented in a way that blends seamlessly into their search results. Although publishers pay for the media placements, they often appear organically chosen. If you or your team don't have the necessary expertise and struggle to create such seamless ads consider using a mentoring software to connect with experienced marketers who can provide you with guidance when it comes to crafting ad copy.

Examples of Native Advertising

Allbirds and The New York Times

Allbirds, a shoe company, collaborated with the New York Times in a creative and meaningful way, providing an excellent native advertising example for other companies to follow.

With their sponsored post, The View From Above: Why Our Future May Depend On the Fate of Birds, Allbirds shines a spotlight on how invaluable birds are to our entire planet. Raising awareness about climate change and its effect on bird populations is an important step toward preserving our environment for generations to come.

Allbirds is a company focused on sustainability; their latest post shows it. The creative graphics and beautiful bird sounds make for a truly engaging experience. Through this one-of-a-kind content, Allbirds demonstrates its product lineup and its commitment to eco-friendly principles.

Spotify and Stranger Things

In 2017, Netflix and Spotify collaborated to create a unique native advertising campaign that gained widespread recognition. Utilizing their user's data, the two iconic brands successfully crafted an experience tailored to provide maximum customer engagement.

After the premiere of Netflix’s Stranger Things series, they partnered with Spotify to promote it. This involved Spotify allowing users to turn on “Stranger Things Mode,” in which they can explore playlists specially tailored to each show’s characters.

It’s more than a sponsored playlist; it’s an immersive branded experience that fits the personality of both Spotify and Netflix.

Instagram Filter and Nickelodeon

Nickelodeon created an innovative and playful 'Which SpongeBob Character Are You?' Instagram filter, demonstrating that native ads on social media don't always need to be in-feed advertisements.

They have come up with a fun and interactive way to get its message across to Instagram users. Their native advertisement blends seamlessly into the app, working just like any other filter.

Parting Words

Native advertising is generally content-based ads that seamlessly blend with the content of other channels the users are already consuming.

They’re also a great alternative to traditional advertising, gaining popularity among their target audience. In addition to being successful, they’re also highly engaging, gaining more clicks and views and leading to more conversions.

Mary Paulene Omae San Miguel

Senior Content Editor for RingCentral, a leading provider of global enterprise cloud communications, video meetings, collaboration, and contact center solutions. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism and a great passion for learning foreign languages.

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